PftPI Signs on to Whistleblower Protection Act Letter
Professionals for the Public Interest: Associations and Unions Defending Professional Integrity has signed on to the Government Accountability Project’s letter urging passage of the Whistleblower Protection Act (WPA). PftPI joins over 350 organizations calling on Congress and President Obama to pass the WPA.
PftPI Endorses Statement on Scientific Integrity and the Executive Branch
Professionals for the Public Interest: Associations and Unions Defending Professional Integrity (PftPI) commends the memorandum on scientific integrity in the Executive Branch that the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) released on December 17, 2010. The memorandum marks an important step forward from President Obama’s March 9, 2009 directive. In instance after instance, its principles align with those that brought the organizations in PftPI together. Among other things, the memorandum emphasizes seeking the highest level of integrity and professional standards; professional expertise and achievement; continuing professional development; transparency and a free flow of information; and clear and accurate communications with the public. PftPI applauds these aspirations. Read the full statement here.
PftPI Endorses Statement on Protecting Integrity by Defending Whistleblowers
Our organizations, members of the Professionals for the Public Interest coalition, are concerned about the federal policies that deal with the rights and responsibilities of whistleblowers who, at risk to their own careers, bring important information to the attention of the public and policymakers. The current patchwork of 43 laws administered by 18 agencies is not providing an open, transparent, fair system for employees struggling with difficult decisions about how they can fulfill their professional responsibilities when faced with inappropriate or illegal activities. Read the full statement here.
PftPI Holds Forum on Science and Public Policy

From left to right: Paul Almeida, Josh Trapani, Susan Wood, Michael Holsapple, Carol Henry, Jennifer Sass
October 27, 2010 – Washington, D.C.
The federal government relies on scientific studies to craft regulations intended to protect the health and safety of American workers, the general public, and our environment. But amid charges of ideology-driven agendas and politicization of science, already-tenuous public faith in the regulatory process can easily be lost. Watch video of the Forum and read more.
PftPI Holds Forum on Whistleblowers and OSHA: Strengthening Professional Integrity
May 11, 2010 · Washington, D.C. The Whistleblower Protection Program in the Occupational

From Left: David Michaels and Paul E. Almeida (Photo by Benjamin Somers, AAAS)
Safety and Health Administration enforces whistleblower provisions in 17 federal statutes in industries from nuclear power to securities to consumer products. Agencies other than the Department of Labor enforce the basic provisions of 16 of those 17 statutes.
Does this statutory structure make sense? How is the Whistleblower Protection Program working now? How do its challenges relate to its responsibilities across so many statutes and industries?
Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health David Michaels, PhD, MPH, addressed these questions and more on May 11. For more information, click here.
PftPI Holds Inaugural Forum on Defending Patient Care
April 15, 2010 · Washington, D.C. When health care facilities respond to financial or

From left: Moderator Bob Edwards; Dawn M. Hobdy; Dr. David M. Keepnews; Dr. Linda Green (Photo by Alexis Spencer Notabartolo, DPE).
political pressures in ways that adversely affect professional care and integrity, how should the professionals respond? What measures might policymakers, administrators, professionals, associations and unions take to protect professional integrity against external pressures? Watch video of the Forum and read more.
PftPI Endorses Consensus Statement on Professionals and the Federal Advisory System
Our organizations, members of the Professionals for the Public Interest coalition, are concerned about the role and independence of professionals serving on federal advisory committees. These panels should provide an opportunity for all stakeholders to participate in an environment free from external pressures. Read the full statement here.
PftPI Public Launch

L to R: Paul Almeida, Department for Professional Employees, AFL-CIO; Randi Weingarten, American Federation of Teachers (Photo by Chris McManes, IEEE-USA)
Since March 2007, 20 national and global organizations came together as Professionals for the Public Interest: Associations and Unions Defending Professional Integrity. Our common focus:
defending professional integrity against external pressures in the interests of the public. We address that focus with our members, policymakers, and the public.
Our organizations include eight professional associations; 11 national unions; and the Department for Professional Employees, AFL-CIO (DPE). Collectively, we represent more than four million professionals. Their disciplines range from the sciences and engineering to human services. Each organization has endorsed a consensus statement, . To see video, pictures and read more about the public launch click here.